A Parent's Plea: Fighting for Missing Children - Arizona State Senate Address
Farrah LaRae Wynn
Phoenix, Arizona - As a parent, there is no greater anguish than the heart-wrenching experience of a missing child. For Jenell Jones, this nightmare became a stark reality when her daughter disappeared from the custody of the Department of Child Safety (DCS). Now, fueled by a burning desire to protect not only her child but all missing children, Jones is taking her impassioned plea to the Arizona State Senate.
In November 2023 the Jones Family’s world was shaken when their daughter went missing. This devastating event ignited a fierce determination within Jenell M. Jones M.Ed. to advocate for change in a system that too often fails to protect vulnerable children. Whether abducted or having run away, missing children are thrust into unimaginable danger, becoming victims of unspeakable crimes.
Sadly, many cases, like the Jones Family, go unreported or are reported too late, leaving families to grapple with uncertainty and fear. Even when children are found, the scars of their trauma often linger, haunting them long after their return.
In a remarkable opportunity, Jenell M. Jones M.Ed. has been invited to address the Arizona State Senate today, March 18, 2024, at 2:00 PM, to discuss House Bill 2480. This bill represents a critical step forward in the fight to safeguard our children and overhaul a system desperately in need of reform.
Jenell Jones calls upon the community to stand in solidarity for missing children. Through prayer, advocacy, and vigilance, we can ensure that every child is accounted for, protected, and given the chance to thrive.
Join in this crucial conversation by tuning in live to the Arizona State Senate proceedings using the following link: https://www.azleg.gov/
About Jenell M. Jones M.Ed.
Jenell Jones is a proud mother of seven, two of whom she and her husband adopted. She holds a master's degree in curriculum and instruction with an emphasis on autism spectrum disorders, she is the owner of two childcare centers that focus on trauma and developmental disabilities and has authored a book outlining her experiences as an adoptive mother. It is from this vantage point that she advocates for critical changes in our system.